针对上述问题,中科院山西煤炭化学所以及中科合成油技术有限公司曹直研究员团队和美国辛辛那提大学Yujie Sun教授团队共同报道了一种低成本的Ni/NiO/C复合材料的设计与合成制备。其可作为碱性介质中性能优异的HOR电催化剂。由于该催化剂具有丰富的Ni/NiO界面,其HOR活性比Ni/C高一个数量级。此外,Ni/NiO/C在碱性介质中的稳定性和CO耐受性也优于商业Pt/C,因而可被视为氢燃料电池开发中一种很有前景的HOR电催化剂。此外,该工作利用密度泛函理论成功地解析了HOR反应在Ni/NiO/C界面的增强机制。计算结果表明,由于Ni/NiO界面电子和亲氧效应得到了较好的平衡,使得氢原子和氢氧根在Ni/NiO界面达到了最优的结合能。
该工作将研究重点聚焦于设计和开发第一行过渡金属型的HOR电催化剂,特别是基于金属镍的催化材料。由于金属有机框架材料(MOF)在多尺度上的可调控性,该工作的研究者开发了一种通过精细退火工艺将合适的MOF前驱体转化为组成可控、多孔且导电性好的电催化剂的方法。其中,低成本的镍基MOF (Ni - BTC)前驱体被用来制备高效的Ni /NiO/C电催化剂,形成了一种由石墨烯层保护的Ni/NiO特殊界面。在氩气气氛下对退火过程进行精细调控,可以得到Ni/NiO/C-700,该材料在碱性电解质中表现出优异的电催化HOR性能,是一种极具潜力的氢燃料电池的的阳极材料。
Fig. 1Scheme illustration of the synthetic process of Ni/NiO/C. (a) Metal and organic precursors for the synthesis of Ni-BTC MOF. (b) Three dimensional structure of Ni-BTC in a unit cell where the green, red, and black spheres refer to Ni, O, and C, respectively. (c) Porous Ni-BTC MOF. (d) Ni/NiO/C obtained from annealing of Ni-BTC MOF under Ar. (e) Enlarged selected area illustrating the Ni/NiO interfaces existing in Ni/NiO/C.
Fig. 2Electron microscopy of Ni/NiO/C-700. (a) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of Ni/NiO/C-700. (b) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of Ni/NiO/C-700. (c) High-angle-annular dark-field STEM (HAADF-TEM) image of a single particle in Ni/NiO/C-700 and (d-f) corresponding energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) element mapping (EFTEM) of Ni, O, and Ni + O, respectively. (g and h) High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images of Ni/NiO/C-700. Inset in (h) shows the selected area electron diffraction pattern. Scale bars: (a) 500 nm, (b) 20 nm, (c-f) 6 nm, (g-h) 5 nm.
Fig. 3X-ray diffraction pattern and various spectra characterizations of Ni/NiO/C-700. (a) XRD pattern of Ni/NiO/C-700. (b) High-resolution C 1s XPS spectrum. (c) High-resolution Ni 2p3/2XPS spectra of Ni/NiO/C-700 and NiO. (d) Raman spectra of Ni/NiO/C-700 and Ni/NiO/C-650 showing the carbon region. (e) Raman spectra of Ni/NiO/C-700 and NiO showing the NiO region. (f) N2adsorption/desorption isotherms of Ni/NiO/C-700. Inset shows the corresponding BJH pore size distribution curve.
Fig. 4Electrocatalytic measurements of Ni/NiO/C-700 for H2oxidation. (a) HOR polarization curves of various Ni/NiO/C samples in H2-saturated 0.1 M KOH with a rotation rate of 1600 rpm and a scan rate of 1 mV/s. (b) Polarization curves of Ni/NiO/C-700 at different rotation rates. Inset shows the Koutecky–Levich plot of Ni/NiO/C-700 at an overpotential of 50 mV vs RHE. (c) Representative HER/HOR Tafel plots of kinetic current density for Ni/NiO/C-700, Ni/NiO/C-750, and Ni/NiO/C-800. (d) Chronoamperometry curves of Ni/NiO/C-700 and Pt/C in H2-saturated 0.1 M KOH before and after the addition of 100 ppm CO measured at 0.1 V vs. RHE. The current densities were calculated on the basis of the geometric electrode areas.
Fig. 5Theoretical calculation results. (a and b) Optimized Ni/NiO interface structure with H* (a) and OH* (b) intermediates. (c) Hydrogen binding energy on Pt (111), Ni/NiO interface, NiO (111), and Ni (111) models. (d) Hydroxide binding energy on Pt (111), Ni/NiO interface, NiO (111), and Ni (111) models.